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Senin, 02 November 2009

New Gateway Domain Released !!

Effectively immediately, we've made the following new Gateway domain available:

We will immediately begin referring affiliates to this new domain wherever we display Gateway URLs at the SFI Affiliate Center (such as https://www.sfimg.com/MyAccount/GatewayList.sfi). And we encourage all affiliates to begin using this new domain in their marketing.

For anyone using previously released domains like https://www.ezinfocenter.com/ and https://www./quickinfo247.com, etc., you'll want to start phasing out your use of them over the next 14 months.

Important: The main reason we need to make this change is the little "s" in the current Gateway domains most of you are using. That is, the "https" prefix (the "s" indicating they are secure sites). This "s" is a element left over from years ago when those domains were used in conjunction with earlier SFI e-commerce sites that needed secure status. Today, it's not needed, and that little "s" keeps us from making certain improvements to our Gateways (example: adding automatic language translation). So we need to get everyone off the old domains and on to the new http://www.sfi4.com/ so we are no longer encumbered.

If all of this sounds complicated, don't fret! Here's all you need to know/do:

1. Wherever you're using an old secure Gateway domain (such as https//www.ezinfocenter.com), just swap in the new domain: http://www.sfi4.com./ That's it. There's no major rush, but just make sure you do so before the end of 2010. As of January 2011, the basic domain WILL continue to work, but someone using the link will get a message about the site no longer being secure--which it doesn't need to be as explained earlier--but it may cause them concern and/or make them abort proceeding.

2. If you're new to SFI or you don't have any links out there pointing to an old Gateway domain, you don't have to do anything.

If you have any questions, please contact an SFI Affiliate Support Team Member HERE.

3. For easy learning to your new gateway, please go to your gateway list . Here's the link : https://www.sfimg.com/MyAccount/GatewayList.sfi

sample of the new gateway:

"Free" Gateway:
A Gateway to attract new SFI Affiliates to your team, with you credited as the sponsor. Persons signing up at this Gateway are your PSAs (Personally Sponsored Affiliates) and help you build you own global sales team. It is our most popular Gateway.

"Real" Gateway:
One of our most interesting Gateways ever. The "real" theme is based on SFI's long, successful track record and our impressive global growth seen day in and day out. Very few, if any other companies in the world, can trumpet the numbers and track record of SFI, and this Gateways puts this out front.

EyeEarn Gateway:
Attract new SFI affiliates with the EyeEarn program (to be personally sponsored by you) by referring your prospects to your EyeEarn Gateway above.

That's all guys.

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