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Rabu, 14 April 2010

SFI QuickTip: Focus on your affiliates' concerns

Did you know recent surveys of workers and retirees show more than 25% of workers and retirees say they have less than $1,000 saved for their "golden years"?

What does this mean to you as a business leader and SFI Affiliate Sponsor? Discussing the disparity of your affiliates' retirement dreams with their possibly low current retirement savings can motivate them to take action NOW with an SFI business of their own.

You can focus on the contrast of today's retirement savings and lifelong dreams in your ads for prospective affiliates. SFI has made this easy with these handsome financial- and retirement-focused banners you can start to use immediately.

Additionally, consider broaching the topic in a segment in your next communication or newsletter with your team. Point out the extra-income benefits of an SFI business of their own and refer them to the SFI Affiliate Center for assistance and resources. Access your Genealogy and click the "Send an e-mail/team mail to this group" link for an easy way to send e-mails to your team. You could also use the PSA Mailer to send your message to just your personally sponsored affiliates.

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