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Selasa, 19 Oktober 2010

Important new addition to SFI BASICS

SFI added an important new component to the SFI BASICS "roadmap" that is located on your SFI homepage.

Previously, SFI Basics included three steps:

1. Referring TripleClicks Members
2. Sponsoring SFI Affiliates
3. Duplication

SFI now added 4th step,

4. Maximize your earnings.

Though this vital step has of course always been part of the SFI system, SFI recently realized it should be incorporated right into SFI Basics so it is not overlooked!

If you're not yet familiar with SFI Basics (or haven't reviewed it lately), head over now to your SFI homepage at the SFI Affiliate Center (www.sfimg.com) to check it out.

Join SFI Here

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